Friday, October 7, 2011

PrEdiCtiOn On WhAt wiLl HaPpEn To MaRJaNe

Through out reading the novel Persepolis I believe that MarJane is very out spoken and I believe that her parents are going to get very tired of her and ship her off some where I would if she was by kid because she seems very rude and seems like she doesn't know her limits on what to say and what not to say.  I think she forgets that she is not an adult I believe that she forgets that she is still a child.  MarJane is not a bad kid but I also believe that many people around her are influencing her and are setting the tone for her life.  I don't think that MarJane is her own person because her family and people around her I think have a big influence on her life and are not letting her be her own person but instead want her to be how they are and believe and do what they do.

1 comment:

  1. Lulu! you are right about Marjan's behavior and her character. The family around her had a lot of influence to her. Because anythings she wishes or wants, they prepare for her right a way. I am totally agree with you she is a child and she was spoiled because her family treated her like that.I wanted to gave my opinion about marjan as the same as your writing. Althuogh my last writing was a kind of similar as your writing, but your comment about Marjan much more clear about Marjan,s character than my writing.
